This product comes from the Fullerton, California location. Please note that each location carries different items so it may not be sold at your local Costco and some items are only sold for a limited time . Products also rotate throughout the year to make room for new products so items may no longer be sold at the time of your visit due to it being discontinued. Prices may also vary. Be sure to check with your local Costco for availability.
Disclaimer: This page is not in any way affiliated with Costco and all opinions are of my own.
Price as of 11/04/2022

Below are some comments and reviews on just the ORIGINAL Bitchin’ Sauce ( Organic Chipotle Almond Dip ) from other Costco members:
“It’s delicious as a spread on sandwiches ! Love this stuff !”
“So good with the almond crackers or veggies”
“We LOVE this stuff! Try it with naan! SUPER delicious!”
“I eat this with Pretzel thins too! I think the dip pairs the best with the Buffalo Wing flavored pretzels”
“Try with fries, on a burger, taco, anything!”
“I use it as a pizza sauce, add chicken, tomato and some mozarella cheese! Bitchin Yumo !”
“Throw it on chicken and bake or use as a spread on a grilled cheese sandwich.”
“I love dipping carrots in it.”
“I love it! I like to pour it in tortilla chips and microwave for thirty seconds with some cheese on top.”
“Has a strong Chipotle taste. More smoky than spicy.”
“Wheat thins are my favorite to dip! Really good on burgers and wraps too.”
“I put it in quesadillas.”
“It’s amazing! With pretzel chips, pita chips, veggies. I even put it on”
“I eat it with raw veggies”
“It’s a pretty good chicken marinade”
“Yes! We like it “
“Love it with the bare chicken chunks in the green bag!”
“The best!!! My whole posse is addicted to it”
“Yes! Love it with rotisserie chicken.”
“I eat it with all the things.. chicken wings, chips crackers veggies. I use on all sandwiches soo yummy”
“Yes… it’s totally bitchin!”
“Oh yes. Great with just about anything, especially eggs”
“Love it! On everything!”
“It’s delicious – we were pleasantly surprised how good it is”
“The best! Yummy”
“I put it on everything- we go though one a week”
“Omg. It is amazing. I put it on my eggs chicken dip it with tortilla chips Fritos celery cucumber carrots. The list goes on.”
“Sooooo good!!!”
“Omg yes. My breakfast consist of toasted Parmesan bagels dipped in this sauce.”
“Awesome stuff“
“Addictive!! Delicious!!”
“The freaking best. They sell a variety of flavors, but Costco only sells the original.’
“Love it…it’s a favorite!!”
“Yes!! Just had some with Ruffles! “
“Yum. Good with naan bread”
“I love it! Good on chips, veggies, as a condiment for sandwiches and burgers!”
“Bomb! So good”
“omg got it today! so good with pretzel chips “
“Just got some this week. Very tasty.”
“The besssssssst!!!!!!!”
“YES! So good on raw veggie, crackers”
“Tastes like pureed hotdogs”
“I didn’t like it. I wanted to though. Lol”
“It made me sick. Threw it out. The texture for me was weird.”
“So spicy! Gave it away”
“I didn’t like the texture”
“I tossed it. Not my thing.”
“I didn’t care for it”
“Not a fan”
“Didn’t like it at all”
“So I tried it, and didnt like it. “
“Hubs and I tried it and didn’t like it. We tried it again. Nope. Threw it in the trash.”
“I don’t love it. It tastes like liquid smoke to me. But my kid likes it on her spinach wraps.”