This product is sold at the Costco Tustin, California location. Please note that each location carries different items so it may not be sold at your local Costco and some items are only sold for a limited time. Products also rotate throughout the year to make room for new products so items may no longer be sold at the time of your visit due to it being discontinued. Prices may also vary. Be sure to check with your local Costco for availability.
Disclaimer: This page is not in any way affiliated with Costco and all opinions are of my own.
Price as of 09/20/2021

Please note that I can only find one review so far on this product as of September 22, 2021. I will add more reviews later if there are any.
I have tried this product and I have to agree with the single reviewer down below. The Cantella’s Beef Stroganoff is much better than the other brand that Costco carried last year. Last years, beef stroganoff looked like cat food and it wasn’t that great…lol . It also looked nothing like the picture on the package.
This year’s beef stroganoff is decent and my kids seem to like it . I did however cook the noodles a little bit longer than instructed. I would probably get it again for a quick meal. It will feed about 2-3 people. You can find this item in the deli section at some Costcos although I am not sure how long this product will be around.
Below are some comments and reviews on this Cantella’s Beef Stroganoff from other Costco members:
“We love beef stroganoff. Saw this at my ABQ Costco last week, had to try it. This is a different company than the stroganoff carried for the last several years. This new version is SO much better. Will definitely buy again!”
“None available at this time.”