This product comes from the Garden Grove, California location. Please note that each location carries different items so it may not be sold at your local Costco and some items are only sold for a limited time . Products also rotate throughout the year to make room for new products so items may no longer be sold at the time of your visit due to it being discontinued. Prices may also vary. Be sure to check with your local Costco for availability.
Disclaimer: This page is not in any way affiliated with Costco and all opinions are of my own.
Price as of 03/21/2023

Costco 10″ round birthday cakes come in your choice of chocolate or white cakes. The designs can vary throughout the year. If you are wanting a specific design, it is best to pre-order the cakes one day in advance to ensure that you get the cake that you want.

Designs on the cakes can vary throughout the year or added due to special occasions such as graduation and holidays.