This product comes from the Garden Grove, California location. Please note that each location carries different items so it may not be sold at your local Costco and some items are only sold for a limited time . Products also rotate throughout the year to make room for new products so items may no longer be sold at the time of your visit due to it being discontinued. Prices may also vary. Be sure to check with your local Costco for availability.
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Price as of 06/25/2023

Costco S’more Cookies ( 24 Count ) . Item number 1732180 . Price $9.99
These are a new bakery item at Costco for 2023 !

Below are some reviews for the Smore Cookies from other Costco members:
“The s’mores cookies are legit”
“S’mores are 10000x better after 10 seconds in the microwave”
“They are dangerously delicious. I was a bit surprised at the nutritional value on the package.”
“I love the s’mores cookies and yes, heat them up a little, it takes them to the next level.”
“Very tasty!”
” I got them today and half is already gone. They are soft and chewy. The marshmallow is more gooey, not like the dehydrated kind.”
“Got these today! Very Good!”
“they are soft and the marshmallow is gooey.”
“They are delicious!!”
“Soooooooo good!! They are amazing “
“they are so good!!”
“Sooo delicious “
“Omg! S’more cookies at Costco! They’re like summer fun wrapped up in marshmellowie chocolatie goodness. I’m a fan! “
“Nuke them for 10-15 seconds! Melted gold”
“Tasty but same review, mostly just tastes like a regular chocolate chip cookie imo (even when heated in microwave)”
“They were being put out for the first time ever today and I picked it up and the woman told me that I’m officially the first person to try it And they are AMAZINGGGGG”
“Love those!!! Bought some yesterday & their half gone!!!”
“These S’mores cookies I found in the Costco bakery are delicious!”
“But the s’mores cookies are so so so good. They are soft with marshmallows and chocolate chunks. Dangerously delicious, I ate one in the parking lot “
“Heat those in the mikeywave for 13 seconds. Wheeeee!”
“S’more Cookies My family bought them and did the rough job of testing them for you all. They are good, a very good treat!”
“These are good!! Although Dangerous…”
“They were good!”
“I am currently in Kauai and tried these. So good! Recommend heating for a few seconds in the microwave.”
“smores cookies- best cookies i’ve had at costco. heat up in the air fryer/microwave!”
“We also bought the S’MORES cookies and agree they are the best cookie Costco makes. Sweet but not overly sweet. We bought them for the 4th but they only made it to the 1st. We might have to go back. We love them.”
“The smores cookies are ….just saying!”
“Like chocolate chip cookies but better.”
“I was so excited to find the s’more cookies today (Spokane ,WA). I think they are very tasty but I’m not getting much of a s’more flavor. I mean, the first ingredient is graham crumbs and you can clearly see the marshmallows, but I thought they just tasted like a chocolate chunk cookie. Still delicious. Maybe it was a weird batch or my taste buds. “
“I love them…but agree they give off major chocolate chip vibes.’
“I definitely tasted the graham base but not much of the other ingredients were prominent. I still loved them though. Way better than their rival, confetti cookies.”
“I found the flavors to be much better after microwaved for 12 to 15 seconds.”
“Too chocolaty for us. Need more marshmallow and graham.”
“Overrated. I have them and not impressed”
“They are meh.’