Del Real Foods Pork Carnitas

This product comes from the Garden Grove, California location. Please note that each location carries different items so it may not be sold at your local Costco and some items are only sold for a limited time . Products also rotate throughout the year to make room for new products so items may no longer be sold at the time of your visit due to it being discontinued. Prices may also vary. Be sure to check with your local Costco for availability.

Disclaimer: This page is not in any way affiliated with Costco and all opinions are of my own.

Price as of 1/21/2021

My family love this product ! We buy it quite often to make carnitas tacos! Such an easy lunch or dinner to make ! Tastes delicious and restaurant quality.

I would highly recommend this product and so it is Emily approved ! 🙂

Below are some comments and reviews on this Del Real Foods Pork Carnitas from other Costco members:


“Yes, they’re delicious. Sometimes I’ll add bbq sauce to it to serve as pulled pork”

“I think it’s very good”

“the best”

“Some in my refrigerator right now, love it.”

“I buy it every-time I go”

“Our family loves it!”

“Heated in the fry pan till crispy edges form and then make loaded nachos. Yum!”


“So yummy 😋

“I take them camping with the rice and beams through all three in a pot of boiling water, cut the bags open when they are hot! Put it on a plate with some warmed up tortillas and done, easy clean up too!”

“it’s one of our staples at Costco”

“Just had this last night i like it”

“Very good !!! Made tacos and nachos”

“I make huge burritos out of that meat! 🥰

“We love the rice and beans from that company.”

“These Carnitas are amazing! In fact, I’m having some for dinner!”

“Perfect for tacos. Tortilla, cilantro, onions, guacamole and salsa. And don’t forget to accompanied with some radish. Also it is perfect when you go camping.”

“My family really like it”

“It is really good.”

“Our family is a fan! Perfect meal for after practice, moms and dads. Chop some lime, cilantro, onion and fry tortillas for a quick, easy and lil mess dinner.”

“We love it with yellow rice, black beans and the pineapple habanerro stuff”

“Very tasty 😋

“I cook it with la Victoria Salsa Rancera salsa. Then make street tacos out of it on mini corn tortillas topped with cilantro, onion and radish.”

“They are awesome….a real time saver. I make it better by frying red bell peppers and onions…. add the carnitas and heat in pan. Then I lay out the carnitas flat on a baking sheet (with foil of course) and brown the tips under the broiler. Serve with all your fixings …. really good.”

“I love it. Had made that the beef one and chicken on for a party taco bar. Was a big hit”

“It’s just 2 adults here. We make4 meals out of this. Awesome!”

“Those are really good and can be used for so many dishes, not just mexican carnitas”

“My husband is Mexican and him and our son love it!!”

“My son is super crazy about this!!😋

“Yes. It is very good. It tastes even better if you mix a barbecue sauce in it. My family likes Famous Daves sauce. “

“Amazing! And a little goes a long way!”

“I gave these out as Samples. People LOVED them.”

“Always in my freezer”


There are no bad reviews available at this time.