This product comes from the Garden Grove, California location. Please note that each location carries different items so it may not be sold at your local Costco and some items are only sold for a limited time . Products also rotate throughout the year to make room for new products so items may no longer be sold at the time of your visit due to it being discontinued. Prices may also vary. Be sure to check with your local Costco for availability.
Disclaimer: This page is not in any way affiliated with Costco and all opinions are of my own.
Price as of 04/09/2021

Here’s my review on these Fresca Grill Carne Asada Burritos from Costco. These are new to our Garden Grove location as of April 2021 and most likely is sold only for a limited time. I thought they were just “okay”. I added some salsa and hot sauce to it which made them better. Inside of the burrito is just beef with some diced onions, red & green bell peppers. There are 3 burritos in each box and they are about the size of my hand, approximately 5-6 inches long. They are a bit expensive in my opinion. They come to about $4 each. I won’t be buying them again.
Below are some comments and reviews on these Carne Asada beef burritos from other Costco members:
“My husband liked them. I had a bite, have bit of a kick to them. Not bad at all. Had pretty good flavor.”
“I liked them. An easy, quick meal that didn’t feel overly processed”
“So good!!!”
“They were only “okay” for me. Kinda bland but pretty good quality of steak. I just dumped salsa and avocado over each bite to make it more flavorful.”
“Pretty good. I’m having mine w/ sour cream and salsa. Instructions say heat 1.5 mins then turn and heat one additional min. I found 1.5 mins to be enough.”
” in an emergency they are OK.”
“Their good but you only get 3”
“I liked it, my 2 yr old did as well”
“I put it in the oven for 20min. It was okay for a packaged burrito. I had it with guacamole.”
“they are good!”
“Not impressed.Very basic..disappointing”
“We did not like these.”
“I’m glad everyone felt the same! these were terrible, not like pic. No flavor. Liked pan fried beef with pico. No cheese, no sauce. tortilla was soggy. Threw the other two away. not even worth dressing up. So dissapointed.”
“Not that great tasting”
“I bought it and did not like it at all. Smells great look great taste not so great”
“They are terrible! They have some kind of salsa in them and they are very soggy from it.”
‘I wasn’t impressed. The picture is a bit deceiving”
“Pretty bland in my opinion so I added a lot of salsa and guacamole.”
“Soggy and flavorless. Threw most of it away.”
“They weren’t very good. I was disappointed I didn’t care for the taste of them”
“The burritos were not that good”
“Yeah didn’t love them.”
“Horrible. Tasted rancid. I threw the entire contents away.”
“Meat was tuff,No good”
“I tried the burrito. Maybe because it had the salsa in there, it had a sour taste that I am not used to with a burrito.”
“Just had for lunch, will not buy again, don’t even think I’ll eat the other two.”
“The Carne Asada Burritos are terrible. They have a salsa type in it that makes it all soggy and doesn’t taste great. We threw them away.’
“The burritos are horrible! Do not waste your money.”