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This product comes from the Garden Grove, California location. Please note that each location carries different items so it may not be sold at your local Costco and some items are only sold for a limited time . Products also rotate throughout the year to make room for new products so items may no longer be sold at the time of your visit due to it being discontinued. Prices may also vary. Be sure to check with your local Costco for availability.

Disclaimer: This page is not in any way affiliated with Costco and all opinions are of my own.

Price as of 05/29/2021

Below are some comments and reviews on these Island Way Fruit Sorbets In Natural Fruit Shells from other Costco members:


“These are good – I love the coconut one!!”

“Yeah these are our favorite. I love the coconut the best.”

“Love them all!”

“These are good!”

“The island way sorbets are delicious! We’ve been buying them for years! My favorite is the coconut!”

“I just had the ruby berry!! Soooo good!!”

“The sorbet is just so cool looking and tastes amazing! Such a refreshing treat! Kids will love the fun fruit shells they are in and they are real fruit shells!”

“They are amazing! I had one last night in lemon cute”

“So good, picked some up yesterday on my trip 

“The lemon is the best! 

“These are AMAZING!!!”

“Ok, you guys need not walk, but RUNNN to Costco and grab these sorbet cups!! They are in a bowl of real fruit peel, example the mango is in an orange half so as you eat it, you scrape the zest off the orange and omggg. Pomegranate in half of lemon and yes I tried ALL OF THEM Why am I just finding out about these??!! Amazing”

“I love these!”


“I got these for myself last week.My twins decided to eat ALL of them.Went back for more and they’re sold out 

“We got hooked and my husband is a picky eater he’s love it!”

“My husband and child looked at me like I was weird when I brought some of these home… they are amazing!”

“Got this yesterday and yes it’s good! Kids approve as well!”

“My son introduced me to them a few weeks ago. I love them! The coconut is my fave.”

“They are always in my freezer 

“My kids LOVE them to the point of complaining/keeping track of how many the other ate & which flavor they’re so good!”

“I have to hide them from my kids!”

“They are soooo goooood 

“We love these 

“Add a little shot of vodka and I’m good 

“We are hooked on these!!!”

“Oh YES. These are a must buy. They are sooooo good, and the fruit cups are super cute and fun. 

“These are my favorite!!”

“They are my obsession!!!”

“Love these!! We are on our 6th box 


“Too much sugar

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