This product comes from the Garden Grove, California location. Please note that each location carries different items so it may not be sold at your local Costco and some items are only sold for a limited time . Products also rotate throughout the year to make room for new products so items may no longer be sold at the time of your visit due to it being discontinued. Prices may also vary. Be sure to check with your local Costco for current prices and availability.
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Price as of 03/21/23

Costco Peanut Butter Chocolate Cream Pie . Item number 1728395 . Price $19.99

Costco has introduced a new dessert in their bakery department for 2023 and it has gotten lots of their members excited to try it ! The Peanut Butter Chocolate Cream Pie has been mentioned by many of the media outlets, bloggers and social media influencers which has caused lots of members searching for this delectable dessert !
If you want to know if this dessert is for you, down below are some member reviews for this new Costco Peanut Butter Chocolate Cream Pie !

Below are some comments and reviews on this Peanut Butter Chocolate Cream Pie from other Costco members:
“Best. Pie. Ever.”
“It has a chocolate silk top and creamy peanut butter mousse. The crust it delicious”
It’s one of the best pies I’ve ever eaten …oh, and though I do enjoy pie, not a big fan of anything chocolate and PB other than a plain ol’ Reece’s PB cup.”
“This is delicious! For the price of this one big pie, you could get 2 regular sized pies at say Marie Callendars or Cocos”
“It’s actually amazing. I went just for that. It’s really good!”
“Omg… it’s completely heaven not to peanut butter but just enough I couldn’t get enough of that pie. It’s perfect for company.”
“Delicious! Sweetness overload!”
“Creamy, tasty, but not too heavy.”
“It is soooo good. I could only eat a small amount.”
“It’s so very good and I’m glad I read all of the reviews from ya’ll.”
“The bakery just released this heavenly pie today! I’m not a choc fan, but this peanut butter chocolate cream pie is a game changer! So light and not over powering at all! The price is up there but the size (same as the apple pie) and flavor makes it worth it!”
“Impulse purchase yesterday- to me it was VERY RICH – a very small piece is all that is needed. But taste good!”
“Oh. My. GOD. It’s so good.”
“Had our first piece today- Wonderful..”
“Ours had a very rich peanut butter flavor, tempered a bit by the cream cheese in the vanilla mousse base. The chocolate mousse is the same as the chocolate mousse in their chocolate cakes. It’s delicious, but a little goes a long way. Great if you’re serving a crowd, but if you aren’t it freezes very well. Tastes lovely while still frozen, too.”
“Love it! but not a big slice, too much, too sweet if the slice is big”
“Chocolate mousse is nice and light with a good chocolate flavor. The PB mousse is much more dense with a very good peanut butter flavor. The graham cracker crust is eh I would prefer chocolate cookie crust. Could NOT eat a very large slice even at 1/16 it’s still too much. I see a lot of people comparing the price to the pumpkin … the pumpkin pie is MAYBE an inch thick this pie is like 3” thick.”
“I just tried my pie. It was very good!”
“I took one bite and wasn’t a fan. It’s too much and I love sweets (sadly lol). My husband also couldn’t take it. Waste of $20.”
“Too much chocolate mousse that tastes more like vanilla whipped cream. Not enough peanut butter or thick enough crust layer imo. Otherwise, it’s fine if you’re into pudding/sugar tasting mousse pies.”
“I didn’t love it.”
“not worth it, tasted like ugh”
“It’s totally overrated. Very sweet and rich, can barely get past a small piece”
“Tooooooooooo sweet”
“Definitely not my cup of tea. Too rich for me and too sweet”
“It has a lot of sweetness and fattiness, but not much chocolate or peanut butter flavor. I definitely would not buy it again.”