This product comes from the Garden Grove, California location. Please note that each location carries different items so it may not be sold at your local Costco and some items are only sold for a limited time . Products also rotate throughout the year to make room for new products so items may no longer be sold at the time of your visit due to it being discontinued. Prices may also vary. Be sure to check with your local Costco for availability.
Disclaimer: This page is not in any way affiliated with Costco and all opinions are of my own.
Price as of 01/08/2022

Costco’s Quinoa Salad from the prepared foods section. Item #42825

Here’s my personal review on this Quinoa Salad from Costco . I had seen so many good reviews on this salad that after a few years of seeing it in the prepared foods section, I had finally decided to try it ! Well, I was a bit disappointed as I had found it be a bit bit bland and dry. I feel as though it needed a dressing of some sort. Unfortunately I was not able to finish the salad.
Below are some comments and reviews on this Quinoa Salad from other Costco members:
“I love this salad!”
“Damn good! Just can’t keep it long in the fridge… maybe 2 days max”
“Love it!”
“I loved it! I ate some by itself and even added some to lettuce and tomatoes and didn’t need salad dressing… super easy lunch.”
“I love it…usually eat it the parking lot!”
“Delicious I can’t go Costco without buying it”
“My brother likes it”
“It’s really good.. buy a couple for every get togethers .”
“We love it. I add grilled chicken and Trader Joe’s citrusy garlic seasoning to it for a quick lunch.”
“It was good! I added more EVOO and lemon juice to it”
“So good! At least the one we bought on Kauai was!
“Love it, especially with some feta cheese added. My 3yr old always asks for more.”
“We LOVE it!”
“Soooo good
“Add balsamic vinegar salt pepper olive oil basil garlic”
“Love it, highly recommend”
“I like it. My daughter loves it and eats it by the mug full”
“LOVE IT. Healthy fresh and tasty. Super healthy.”
“Earthy, very delicious, satisfying”
“We really like!
“Yummy, but too large for 2 people.”
“Love this but I wish they sold it in smaller containers. I can’t eat it all…”
“Good but add lime juice.”
“Love it. Kids love it.”
“This is SOOOO GOOD!”
“Good and added avocado but its healthier when I make it myself. Just can’t find mung beans.”
‘It is very tasty! Our family loves it.”
“I like it after adding my own veggies to it. It’s quite sour for me and my husband so we just add veggies in it.”
“It’s one of my go to’s for pot lucks at work.”
‘My favorite deli style pre-made salad because it doesn’t have onions! It’s great!”
“Super good!”
“We like it with lots of lemon and some avocado”
“It’s really good! I paired it with rotisserie chicken from Costco, too! Or steamed fish”
“My friend loves it, but personally haven’t tried yet”
“I didn’t like it”
“It’s bland. It needs more lemon, evoo, parsley and salt.
“I didn’t like it at all. Pick up a container when it was $2 off. Tasted tangy to me so I through it out. Won’t buy it again.”
“Just brought it yesterday. We did not care for it.
“Terrible, tasted sour.”
“Not a fan, but it does taste healthy.”
“Not a fan”
“I didn’t care for it “
“Not a fan… too much cumin”
“Looks good but a bit bland”
“I wanted to like it but it didn’t have enough flavor for me. I’m wondering if I would have liked it better with some of the recommendations listed!”