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Eat With Emily


This product comes from the Garden Grove, California location. Please note that each location carries different items so it may not be sold at your local Costco and some items are only sold for a limited time . Products also rotate throughout the year to make room for new products so items may no longer be sold at the time of your visit due to it being discontinued. Prices may also vary. Be sure to check with your local Costco for availability.

Disclaimer: This page is not in any way affiliated with Costco and all opinions are of my own.

Price as of 05/13/2021

The above photo shows what the pasta looks like after it had been microwaved for 8 minutes.

Here’s my personal review of this Rana Meal Tagliatelle Chicken & Portobello Pasta .

It’s vey easy to make! As a matter of fact I was busy cooking multiple dishes so I had asked my 17 year old son to cook this chicken & portobello pasta for me as all that he needed to do was microwave it. There are mutiple pouches within the package and all you have to do is open them all. Then dump them into the black container that is provided and as per the directions, it says to microwave 8-9 minutes. After microwaving it for 8 minutes, I felt that the noodles were still a bit too aldente for me so I mixed up the pasta and microwaved it for an additional 3 minutes. That made the noodles a bit softer.

I thought for a pre-made pasta it wasn’t bad but it was a bit salty. I like that it did have lots of portobello mushroom bits as I love mushrooms ! I didn’t try the chicken in it because I typically don’t like them in these pre-made meals as they are normally dry. The sauce wasn’t bad and my kids enjoyed this pasta as they also love mushrooms. I had served it as a side dish because I think that’s all that I can eat at one time. It’s a bit rich and like I had said earlier a bit salty as well. It’s not bad but I wasn’t wowed by it either. It was just okay to me . I would however buy it again because my kids liked it but only during a sale.

Below are some comments and reviews on this Rana Meal Tagliatelle Chicken & Portobello Pasta from other Costco members:


“So yummy!!!!”

“Needed a quick fix for dinner tonite and this was it! It was pretty good with plenty of tender grilled chicken and an abundance of mushrooms. The sauce could have been a little smoother for my taste but my husband thought it was terrific. The price, I believe, was about $9 and it was ready to eat after just 9 minutes in the microwave. The only thing I added was freshly grated parmesan cheese. I think this is on sale at $3 off in the next ad. Definitely worth a try.

“We love that for a quick meal.”

“If you like mushrooms it is amazing! 


“Yes! It’s very easy to make and I thought it was good!”

“Really easy, inexpensive and a good quantity”

“We really liked it. As far as packaged meals go, it was pretty good.”

“Everyone in our house likes it, even the toddler.”

“We really like it but it has a strong mushroom taste so if you don’t like mushrooms, this isn’t for you.”

“I like it because I love mushrooms.”

“Delish! Add more pasta and chicken..there’s a lot of sauce in there.”

“Wonderful and easy directions.”

“Brought it to work and it was hit! I liked it too, but it was saucy.”

“Great quick meal, everyone in my family enjoyed it”

“Yes supper easy on a busy night and good flavor”

“THE BEST microwave dinner ever.”

“My kids are super picky eaters and I bribed them to even try it and they gobbled the whole thing down! Barely left any for my hubby and I!”

“I thought it was good.”

“Very easyyy love it and my kiddos love it as well”

“I love it. It’s a super easy and tasty meal with a veggie side.”

“Yes, really good! And I’m italian… 

“Yes!! I thought it was delish!”

“We liked it but doctored it up with more sauce and spices. Cooked in a pan, not microwaved. I didn’t think it wad salty at all…its a good price for the amount of food.”

“I love it! But I boil the pasta and then saute garlic then add the sauce.. soo good and creamy!”

“It is absolutely delicious!! I have bought it several times. My family loves it!!”

“We liked it”

“It was good no complaint”

“We liked it! Perfect for a quick meal”

“It is very good next time I would add roasted garlic for another death of flavor.”

“Loved, loved, loved it! Pick up a pkg every trip when it’s not sold out.”

“Yes, my husband likes it (my body doesn’t due to lactose intolerance). I cook it on the stove and add steamed broccoli to it.”


“Was awful”

“I didn’t like it personally. The noodles were too thick, chicken was chewy & the mushroom sauce wasn’t what I’d thought.But that’s only my opinion and you may love it!”

“Trust me, it doesn’t look anything close to what is pictured. And taste wise, not very good at all.”

“It’s gross”

“Was too much of a processed Taste.”

“Salty, I would never buy it again”

 No one would eat it, including me and I love mushrooms!!”

“It was gross. Looks nothing like the picture. If you typically cook and make homemade meals, you probably won’t like it. Tasted like they dumped cream of mushroom soup on it.”

“I personally think it was gross. Too salty and not very good. We tried it once and will not buy again.”

“I didn’t think it was good. Kinda tasted like noodles with cream of mushroom soup on it.”

“A little too salty”

“We were not a fan. we even tried to reheat on the stove and added seasoning to make it more tasty.”

“Gross. So salty I couldn’t even finish it”

“We love mushrooms but did NOT like this at all!”

“It was extremely salty to us. Package makes it look like there is more than what’s actually in it.”

“It’s not very good!”


“It was too salty and chicken was dry and hard. Couldn’t eat some of it because it was too hard to chew.”

“Not worth it …I did not care for it”

“we did not love it. It was edible but not something we would ever buy again”

“Chewy thumbsdown”

“We didn’t like this at all. Threw it away and had something else for dinner.”

“One of the items I would never buy again!”

“Yeah it’s not very good”

“Rubbery chicken and the pasta was rubbery too… the mushrooms were great!”

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