This product comes from the Garden Grove, California location. Please note that each location carries different items so it may not be sold at your local Costco and some items are only sold for a limited time . Products also rotate throughout the year to make room for new products so items may no longer be sold at the time of your visit due to it being discontinued. Prices may also vary. Be sure to check with your local Costco for availability.
Disclaimer: This page is not in any way affiliated with Costco and all opinions are of my own.
Price as of 03/09/2021

Below are some great suggestions from other Costco members on how to use this Sampco Exra Lean Shredded Beef In Broth :
“You should make Birria tacos!!!”
“I heated in beef broth and French onion powder and made sammies”
“Tacos, burritos, tostadas, sandwiches, quesadillas, beef stroganoff, beef and broccoli, beef and noodles. I have never seen this at my Costco, but I would like to try it.”
“Put it in soup”
“Makes great bbq beef sandwiches”
“I don’t know what made me think of it, but I’d probably start out using it for tacos”
“Beef and noodles, beef stroganoff – lots of possibilities”
“Buy the queso sauce and make philly cheesesteak sandwiches.”
‘Casseroles soups and sandwiches.”
“I’m sure this has been said- but I’d do nachos or Chipotle style burrito bowls.”
“Great for tacos, and is also part of our emergency food supply in the event of natural disaster, or you know political disaster…”
“Good for taquitos!”
“There’s always gonna be haters. Especially by people who don’t know how to work with it or add to it.We heat it. Add seasonings. Make enchiladas with cheese. We make tacos. We make burritos. And favorite is nachos.It’s good. And you can personalize it.”
“Machaca, sopes, tacos dorados, flautas,”
“We made taquitos out of it. So good !”
“Enchiladas, beef stews, pot pies, nachos”
“I thought it was delicious! And lean. Made some beef gravy and served it with mashed potatoes and corn.”
“It is good stuff. Use it in anything you would use shredded beef in- wraps, tacos, sandwiches, enchiladas etc.”
‘Actually not bad. Used in enchiladas, chili etc… comes out looking nasty but flavors well.”
“Yes meat in a bag, we do chicken in a can and even fish in a can. DO NOT BE AFRAID once you open it you will be like not for me but just give it a chance it is REALLY GOOD. I was so surprised myself about the flavor is is Brazilian but made in USA. I did taco night (Mexican style)”
“We just had some tonight. Looks really gross but delicious. Make taquitos.”
“We’ve made bbq beef with it, scrambled eggs with with, used it for enchiladas… even made chili with it.”
“Been looking for it here in Washington as we regret not stocking up…best fajitas ever…looked gross when we put in skillet, but delicious with sautéed onions and peppers and the taco seasoning from Costco and the char some flour tortillas
“Eggs, peppers and onions…makes great breakfast machaca burritos”
“It’s really good in tacos , enchiladas, etc . Unseasoned and heated up it tastes like pot roast”
“Burritos, enchiladas, bbq sliders etc”
“Looks great. BBQ beef tacos burritos yum”
“Machaca. Eggs peppers and onions. So delish.”
‘It’s actually really good! Try it yourself it’s not bad at all”
“I did tacos and made it with potatoes over open fire. It’s pretty good. I added my own spices to make it for whatever I was cooking.”
“this stuff is really good actually. I warm it in a pan and add some seasoning because it isn’t seasoned. I make open-faced roast beef sandwiches with gravy and mash/gravy.I have also made tacos by adding taco seasoning. My husband liked it more than me as tacos but it wasn’t bad.It looks scary when you open it because it has all the fat hardened but as you cook it, the fat melts and adds lots of flavor to the meat.”
“Use the recipe on the back- it was delicious! I was nervous as well but my boyfriend convinced me to try it and it was way better than I expected!”
“In burritos like the pic looked like a good idea. Add tomato sauce and chopped veggies too!”
‘Loose meat sandwiches”
“I made the best ever red chili enchilada casserole with this.”
“Tacos with favorite taco sauce, quesadillas.”