This product comes from the Garden Grove, California location. Please note that each location carries different items so it may not be sold at your local Costco and some items are only sold for a limited time . Products also rotate throughout the year to make room for new products so items may no longer be sold at the time of your visit due to it being discontinued. Prices may also vary. Be sure to check with your local Costco for availability.
Disclaimer: This page is not in any way affiliated with Costco and all opinions are of my own.
Price as of 08/16/2023

Costco Tropical Fields Brown Sugar Boba Mochi . Item number 1595766 .
Regular Price $8.69 . It is on sale for $5.99 until 08/27/23 .

Below are some comments and reviews on this Tropical Fields Brown Sugar Boba Milk Tea Mochi from other Costco members:
“My kids like them. A little gummy flavored boba mochi.”
“So yummy! You just have to like the chewy texture”
“I love them they are so good”
“Delightful. Little sugar bomb for when you’re lacking energy at the end of the work day. Frozen is even better, imo.”
“They taste very similar to the brown sugar boba milk bars! Family loves them”
“They are gummy and chewy, with a central that tastes exactly like boba milk tea. I like them.”
“I liked.Them but they have to be cold ( refrigerated or frozen) room temp I don’t like them so much.”
“My kids looove them.”
“Mochi is a chewy doughy texture. If you like that, than you’ll like this. My family likes it.”
“I love these! I grew up eating mochi with sweet bean paste filling. I like to have one as a sweet treat after lunch my kids love them too”
“We have some here at the office and our staff love them.”
“I love them”
“Oh my! So good! My kiddos love these. Every so often they come in other flavors- ick…. But these. These are good. Highly requested.”
“We love them!!”
“I love them, got three last week!”
“It’s good if you like mochis and not watching your calories! We love it! “
“OMG they are so so good. I got 6 bags because they are on sale now!”
“Not bad. Pretty good but definitely not a healthy snack “
“They had them as a taster a couple of weeks ago. We thought they were good!”
“If you like brown sugar boba, you’ll like these. They are very tasty.”
“My family likes them”
“My son loves them!”
“If you like mochi and boba then get it. We love it. “
“Really good, keep them in the fridge and they are even better”
“I think we bought 5 bags total in past for work. Big hit”
“Beware.. so addicting… to those who love mochi”
“It’s beyond amazing – I can’t never buy another bag since I eat so many during each sitting”
“They’re good! Super sweet!”
‘Very yummy! Sweet treat!’
“Sooo good. My teen asked me to stop getting them because he can’t stop eating them”
“if you like brown sugar boba, you will like this. its sweet and tasty. pop it in the fridge first, it will taste better.”
“100% delicious”
“It’s SO GOOD!!!’
“Super Yummy! If u love bubble tea then its a Must buy!”
“Love them weird texture though”
“I love them. Put them in the fridge. A nice snack”
“It’s good! It’s quite sweet though, so can’t eat too much”
“They’re good frozen…”
“I brought this and it’s good. Soft, chewy and not overly sweet!”
“We love these and keep them in the freezer”
“Very addicting”
“My granddaughter loved them but we kept them in the freezer. Went fast!”
“Super good.”
“Very good! A must try!”
“It’s really good, someone at Costco suggested to put it in the freezer and it’s really good that way.”
“Yummy but very sweet. Worth a try.”
“We liked them. Took 50% to the office because it was so many.”
“It’s good , sweet and sticky, one bag last for a long time .”
“They are amazing! 10/10 everyone at a family reunion devoured them!”
“I don’t like mochi in general , but I am addicted to this one since I tried it last week. Sooo good I just bought 2 more packs today
“They are super good. Taste a lot like milk tea. Would highly recommend putting them in the fridge or freezer though”
“OMG so good. Like crack cocaine in our house.”
“I got this last week. My kids and wife pushing me to get few more pack. It tests Amazing! I will rush to near by Costco before it sold out!”
“If you ever try mochi, then you will like this, are soft and flavorful with soft boba inside, kinda like jello texture and milky, very delicious I just wish they are a little bigger”
“Not too sweet, which is good.”
“My husband like it but I don’t”
“5/10 I wouldn’t recommend”
“Returned then. Not as pictured . And I’m a boba addict”
“I thought they were gross and I like everything!”
“Sampled one today….I’ll pass. Did not care for them.”
“Don’t do it. It’s overly artificially sweet.”
“Don’t do it. My husband and I couldn’t even eat a half of one together. Threw the other half and the second one away. Trash can was full of them.”
“I love mochi, and boba is fun, but together I can’t do it. Just weird textures and flavors.”
“I like the texture of mochi, but the taste of these is way off! Not good at all”
“I was so hopeful but didn’t like them at all!”
“It was a no for me.”
“My daughter loves boba and mochi, hated these, I had to throw them out”
“Not for our house and we love boba and mochi.”
“We LOVED the other mOCHI, this one was eh. I wouldn’t buy it again, but not throwing it away either.”
“IT’s doughy n not very good. Doesn’t have the mochi texture of soft n chewy.”
“Barely any flavor, tried a sample today. Blah “
“not impressed texture was very disturbing”
“Horrible! And I usually love this kind of stuff. I threw it out.”
“Too sweet though.”
‘We did not enjoy them at all!”
“Not worth $.9 cents let alone $5.99”
“Kind of gross.”
“Tried one yesterday as a sample! I didn’t like it at all”
“I didn’t like them at all. Nothing special. The brown sugar boba frozen bars are so much better. These were MEH “
“Not good”
“Don’t get. Not good.”
“Too sweet”
“I like the texture of course, but absolutely hate the taste.”
“We didn’t like it.”
“Just ok. Won’t buy again”
“I bought them for $4.97 for my daughter and tried one. They are not for me. “