This product comes from the Garden Grove, California location. Please note that each location carries different items so it may not be sold at your local Costco and some items are only sold for a limited time . Products also rotate throughout the year to make room for new products so items may no longer be sold at the time of your visit due to it being discontinued. Prices may also vary. Be sure to check with your local Costco for availability.
Disclaimer: This page is not in any way affiliated with Costco and all opinions are of my own.
Price as of 03/17/2021

I was fairly disappointed with these West End Cuisine Grilled Chicken Skewers. They didn’t have a real chicken texture to them and tasted quite processed. We couldn’t even finish them.
Therefore I cannot recommend these chicken skewers and so they are not Emily approved !
Below are some comments and reviews on these West End Cuisine Grilled Mediterranean Chicken Skewers from other Costco members:
“Yup. They rock”
“We burn through these in 2-3 days”
“My fave! They are good in the microwave but when I hot my foodi I started to put them in there and they are even better that way”
“It’s good, I brush it with olive oil, and reheat in the oven for 10mins.Then ready to serve at our Party..”
“My husband loves them, just put them on a salad and add some Feta cheese”
“They are delicious!”
“They are good! So easy!”
“I like them. I made a side of pilafi and serve them for dinner, and a Greek salad. Opa!”
“Just had them for lunch! Air fryer is the way to go! Yummmm”
“Yes I love those.”
“Love them. There great for making gyros “
“I like them for salads”
“They’re my FAVORITE!!!!! “
“My son loves these.”
“My picky kids eat these. I like them for quick protein and I like to put the Kirkland jarred pesto on them. Delicious I bake for 5-8 minutes in toaster oven.”
“I love them. I pack them and the Kirkland’s chunky guacamole for my lunch.”
“I like them for easy dinner nights”
“I put them on the BBQ there great and easy.”
“They are really good! Hot or cold”
“We liked them. Quick easy and healthy snack”
“Yea so good!!!! And I’m super picky about chicken LOL it’s a good buy for sure”
“They are a staple. Quick and easy and my kids eat them!”
“Easy chicken salad, quesadillas, chicken Alfredo, tacos, Greek salad.”
“Love them”
“All day everyday- usually cut apart and add to my daily lunch salads !!”
“We love them, our teenager cook then in our air fryer”
“Love them just wish more came in the package. Lol”
“We love them. Quick snack for my kids, great addition to a salad or a pasta dish too.”
“These are amazing!!!! Definitely recommend”
“OMG!!!! I LOVE these!!! Microwave or throw some olive oil and basil in a small frying pan, punch a salt, some gahlic, heat up about 2 minutes, throw into a spinach salad, TO DIE 4!!!”
“Love them. Have them multiple times a week for lunch. I make a salad then bring two of these and toss them in the toaster over for 2 minutes then toss in my salad”
“They are good with some side rice or salad”
“Can’t live without those skewers”
“These are our new favorites “
“Yes, we like them with hummus and pita bread”
“My hubby buys 2 packs which is 4 packs at a time…”
“Put some teriyaki sauce on them and they are great!”
“We got them the other week and they’ll be a regular purchase! Really good!”
“Yes! Delish! I used them to meal prep my lunch for the week.”
“Omg these are so good”
“Not sure how you cooked them, but I throw them on the bbq and they are fantastic”
“We like them!”
“ reallyike these, we heat in the air fryer its a good snack for them”
“We love these. I get a package whenever I go to Costco. We get a Korean sauce and bast with the sauce.”
“They’re yummy.. put mayonnaise on it and a little bit then grilled it again for 3 minutes..”
“Hmm, I like them. I would buy them again if they went on sale.”
“We have been buying forever! Chop and add to salads.”
“They are awesome. Small amount of oil in skillet, sprinkle with favorite seasoning and great. Take off skewers for chicken salads.”
“I didn’t like them at all. I threw them out”
“Thumbs down for me”
“I just got them too. I baked in oven and they were gross (gristle, chewy, and weird tasting).”
“Utterly disgusting”
“These are so nasty lol”
“I mean, it’s processed chicken, to the max. They taste like they look in my opinion”
“Yeah those are a hard NO.”
“I bought these once and they were “
“I didn’t like! Tasted like fake chicken. “
“Warning! These are rubbery, spongy the flavor is awful….just no!! “
“I didn’t like them at all. Was very disappointed”
“Horrible. Hot or cold.”
“Disappointed with my last purchase.They were rubbery.”
“After s few bites, I threw them out.”
“They have a funny taste.”
“Hate these !”
“Too rubbery. Better to make your own fresh ones.”
“Not that dramatic, but I didn’t like them either…”
“I think they are gross”
“We liked them at first, but I cannot even stomach them anymore. Weird”
“I found them bland and boring. Tossed them.”
“I have had the same experience spongy and rubbery. I stopped buying them.”
“I didn’t like them’
“No very good didn’t like how they taste”
“Not my favorite “
“They’re so rubbery to me. I wanted to love them but I couldn’t.”
“Yuck “
“Use to love them but lately I’ve felt like they have been super rubbery”
“Not a fan”
“We thought they were okay (not great but passable and an easy meal) the first time but after that batch we tried again ended up really disliking them.”
“Rubbery (my opinion)”
“Tossed them. Horrible”
“I don’t like them. They have a funny fake taste to me.”
“Hate them!!!!”
“So gross”
“Not that great”
“Every time I bought these (twice) it was very gristly. No more for me.”
“We didn’t like these, I thought the texture of the chicken was off! And I didn’t care for the taste.”
“Couldn’t eat them. Had one and tossed it”
“Didn’t like at all!”
“They were ok. Some of them were overcooked and had a plastic-like texture to them. Probably won’t buy again.”
“Didt like them at all threw them away”