This product comes from the Garden Grove, California location. Please note that each location carries different items so it may not be sold at your local Costco and some items are only sold for a limited time . Products also rotate throughout the year to make room for new products so items may no longer be sold at the time of your visit due to it being discontinued. Prices may also vary. Be sure to check with your local Costco for availability.
Disclaimer: This page is not in any way affiliated with Costco and all opinions are of my own.
Price as of 05/29/2021

This is a new product at my local Costco as of the end of May 2021 and so I believe this may be sold only for a limited time.

Here’s my personal review on these Costco Boba Milk Tea Mochi .
I have waited patiently for months for them to arrive at my local Costco! I’ve seen people posting pics from all over the country and they have finally made it to the Garden Grove Costco! I was afraid that it might be overly sweet but it wasn’t! It was perfectly sweet for me! I love the soft chewy powdery mochi on the outside and Boba flavor on the inside. They almost melt in your mouth, they’re so soft ! And I like how small they are so you can just pop the whole thing right into your mouth !
They are seriously addicting!
I. Can’t. Stop. Eating. Them ! ..
I will definitely be back for more !!
Below are some comments and reviews on these Boba Milk Tea Mochi from other Costco members:
“This Boba Milk tea Mochi is amazingly delicious. Each one is nicely packaged in their own individual bag. mochi is really soft but the boba part is not as chewy as I was hoping. Perfect to pair with tea or coffee.”
“They’re delicious”
“For boba milk tea lover, I found this in So cal Costco. It is $7.00 and it is good. I can smell and taste the milk tea from it. In the middle, it has a boba. It is super good and the mochi is soft. 60 Mochi per bag.”
‘Just got a bag! So yummy!!”
“Just saw at Costco today. Satisfied Asian sweet tooth “
“Just ate it… was just ok..”
“Mochi yummy”
“The boba mochi is good”
“Omg … so good, throw ‘em in freezer and taste like mochi ice cream . Yummy “
“I bought these for my mochi, milk tea, boba loving kids lol. I love that they’re individually packaged and small for a quick little bite.”
“For an extra treat, freeze the boba mochi and it will be reminiscent of Mochi ice cream.”
“Omg! The boba mochi is super good! My Costco doesn’t sell them anymore “
“I have tried a few different Mochi and didn’t like any of them. I know tons of people who seem to like it though. I really love trying new things but that one just was not good”